For students living in the Urbana-Champaign area applying for a SSN during the pandemic.

This guide was originally written as an instruction manual assignment for CS211 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

It has been adapted for Markdown.

The following details still needs to be adapted from the original document:

  1. Footnotes

Why should I get a Social Security Number?

The process to get a Social Security Number (SSN) as an international student, especially during the pandemic, is difficult and unclear. However, there are many reasons for why a student would want to have an SSN. It is typically a strict requirement in the application process for many identity verification and banking services in the United States, and although there are often alternatives to using the SSN, they are usually more tedious and have significant caveats.

Non-comprehensive list of services that require a Social Security Number:

  1. Driver’s License (or State ID)
    • Uses:
      • Common as a proof of identity and age within the U.S.
    • Alternatives:
      • Foreign Driver’s License: Can be used for driving within Illinois, but if the license is not in English, a certified translation from an embassy or consulate may be required. Laws differ in other states.

        Note: Illinois does not allow driving with an International Driving Permit.

      • Temporary Visitors Driver’s License: Not a proof of identity but can be used for driving.
      • Passport: Only a proof of identity. If lost, it is much harder to replace and can result in immigration-related difficulties and can affect the outcome of future visa applications.
  2. Credit Cards (and other services requiring a Credit Report)
    • Uses:
      • Banks typically offer rewards and financial incentives for using their card. Credit cards typically also offer greater protection against theft and fraud.
      • Credit reports are often required for renting property or lending services (loans, mortgages, etc.)

        Note: It is very unlikely that you will be asked for a credit report while renting apartments in Champaign-Urbana.

    • Alternatives:
      • Student Credit Cards that do not require an SSN. The selection will be limited with fewer benefits, with a typically higher repayment interest rate.

        Note: There are no physical bank branches in the Champaign-Urbana area offering these options. If you are willing to travel to Chicago, Bank of America and Capital One offer some options. Be aware that depositing cash with these banks may be more difficult here in Champaign-Urbana as there are no physical locations.

  3. Foreign Tax Status Review
    • Uses:
      • Until completed, a portion (approximately 15-20%) of your employment income in the U.S. will be withheld every pay cycle. If you do not file a tax return, or if it was filed incorrectly, you may not receive the full withheld that you are entitled to.

        Note: You have three years to file your taxes before you are no longer entitled to the return amount. If you cannot get a SSN/ITIN in time, you can still file it the following year.


The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a list of required conditions and documents you must satisfy before you can begin the application process. This guide will walk you through completing some of these requirements, but expects that some requirements have already been fulfilled.

Before continuing, ensure that you satisfy the conditions listed below. You must be:

  1. Legally residing in the U.S. on a valid academic non-immigrant visa, such as the F-1, J-1 or J-2 visa.

    Note: If you are on a different immigration status, the information in this guide may not apply.

  2. Currently legally employed within the U.S.

    Note 1: If you are on a F-1 or J-1 visa, you are only allowed to work in university positions. If you are on a F-1 visa, you may also be eligible for off-campus employment with CPT/OPT work authorisations.

    Note 2: The university Virtual Job Board maintains a partial list of current open positions in university departments, including their job description, expected hours, and hourly pay. It is a good resource if you are looking for a job.

Additionally, you must have the following documents (Document List A):

  1. Proof of Identity (Unexpired foreign passport and U.S. visa)
  2. Proof of Age (Unexpired foreign passport or foreign birth certificate)
  3. Proof of Immigration Status (Form I-551 or I-94)
  4. (For F-1 visa) Proof of Nonimmigrant Student Status (Form I-20)
  5. (For J-1/J-2 visa) Proof of Exchange Visitor Status (Form DS-2019)
  6. Proof of Residence* (Lease, utilities bill, bank statement, etc.)
  7. Bank Statement*

*This is not a listed requirement, but it may help your application process.

During this guide, you will be guided through the process of collecting the remaining documents required for your application. By the end of this process, you should have the following documents prepared (Document List B):

  1. Proof of Employment (+)
  2. Proof of Eligibility (+)
  3. Social Security Card Application (Form SS-5)

(+) Documents with this symbol must be dated within 30 days of your Social Security appointment.

The time required to collect the listed documents is approximately ten days. You should follow the order in the guide, as the application process for some documents require you to have other documents beforehand.

The appointment required for the application cannot be scheduled until all the documents are collected. Furthermore, the SSA may offer very limited options for appointment date and times. Some applicants have been offered only one time slot for the appointment.

Consider your own schedule and availability before you begin the guide.

Applying for a Social Security Number


  1. Verify that you have all the documents required in Document List A.
  2. Print, but do not complete, a physical copy of the Form SS-5 (available here) on regular Letter paper.
  3. Collect the Form SS-5 and the documents in Document List A into a folder for later use.

    Note: The folder isn’t a requirement, but make sure you keep track of where all your documents are for your own convenience.

Obtaining your Proof of Employment

  1. Schedule an appointment with the Human Resources (HR) office to request the Proof of Employment letter. Confirm how you will receive this document. Proceed to the next step only after you have received the Proof of Employment letter.

    If you are just beginning a new position, this can be done at the same time as your job’s New Hire process.

    If you are working on campus, you should contact the relevant HR office. For example, this will be Department of Computer Science HR for CS course staff.

    The proof of employment should have the following details:

    1. Department Letterhead
    2. Employee name
    3. Job description and immediate supervisor
    4. Start date and expected weekly hours
    5. Employer Identification Number
    6. Employer Contact Information
    7. Employer Signature and Title
    8. Date

    Warning: The Proof of Employment must be dated within 30 days of your appointment.

    Warning: The next section, which has an approximately one week wait time, requires the completion of this step. You must complete both sections to schedule your Social Security appointment.

  2. Digitally scan the Proof of Employment letter into an image and save it into an accessible location. You can use a scanner or scan the image with your phone’s camera. You’ll need this later.
  3. Collect the Proof of Employment letter into the same folder used in the previous section.

Obtaining your Proof of Eligibility

UPDATE 2/14/2022: It appears that the ISSS is no longer issuing the Proof of Eligibility if you do not already have a SSA appointment. This guide will be updated to reflect that soon. Continue on to the next section before completing this section.

  1. On the iSTART website (available here), login using your university Net ID and credentials.
  2. Navigate to the F-1 Student Services tab in the menu.
  3. Select SSN Document Request from the list of forms available. image
  4. Complete the SSN Document Request form. You should have the following answers:
    1. Do you have an appointment scheduled with the Social Security Administration?


    2. Mailing Method

      You may receive the document faster by selecting “Pick up”, but all choices are acceptable.

    3. Are you currently employed on campus (…)?


    Complete the remaining questions based on your employment details and upload the digitally scanned Proof of Employment from the previous section.

  5. Collect the Proof of Eligibility letter after your form is approved. You will receive an email titled “SSN Document Request Approved” when this happens.

    You will either receive the Proof of Eligibility letter by mail or collect it in-person from the ISSS office. For the latter, their office address and hours are included in the approval email.

    Warning: The Proof of Eligibility must be dated within 30 days of the appointment.

  6. Store the Proof of Eligibility letter into your documents folder from earlier.

Scheduling your Social Security Appointment

  1. Use the Social Security Administration (SSA) Office Locator (available here) to locate your nearest SSA Office using your on-campus residence ZIP Code.


    This should be the Champaign SSA Office.

  2. Note down the address, as this will be the location for your interview.
  3. Call the “Office” number to schedule your appointment.

    You will hear a two minutes-long pre-recorded message before you are directed to a voice menu, which you should follow to speak to a person.

    Inform them that you are a currently employed international student applying for an original Social Security Card and request an appointment for the application.

    If you receive an appointment, continue onto to the next section. If you do not, continue to step 4.

    Note: It is common for the phone number to not respond to calls or be busy. You may need to call as many as ten or more times. The pre-recorded message cannot be skipped.

  4. If you did not receive an appointment, repeat steps 1-3 from this section, instead locating the Bloomington SSA Office (ZIP Code 61704). When calling, inform them that you reside in Champaign, and that you were denied an appointment interview, and it is possible for them to schedule an appointment for you at the Champaign SSA.

    If you still do not receive an appointment, you may have to consider contacting and visiting another SSA Office nearby, repeating steps 1-3 from this section.

    Warning: If you do not get an appointment in time and your documents from Document List B are past the 30 day limit, you will have to repeat the steps to get new copies of the documents.

Filling out your SS-5 Form and Final Preparations

  1. Complete the SS-5 Form that you had printed out in the “Preparation” section and place the filled form back in the folder.

    Fill the form according to the instructions on the form. For the following boxes, select these options as applicable:

    1. Box 2 (Previous SSN): Leave blank
    2. Box 5 (Citizenship): Legal Alien Allowed to Work
    3. Box 11 (Previous SSN Application): No
    4. Box 12 (Previous Name for SSN): Leave blank


    Warning: Ensure that your address is filled accurately. The SSA will send sensitive personal information to this address in physical letters.

  2. If you live in an apartment building, visibly mark or label your name on the exterior of your mailbox.

    Warning: USPS may not deliver letters from the SSA if your name is not visible on the mailbox.

At your Social Security Appointment

  1. Verify that all your documents in Document List A and Document List B are present in the folder.
  2. Bring this folder to your appointment.
  3. At the SSA Office, you may be asked to show your Proof of Identity to SSA or Department of Homeland Security staff before you can enter the building.

    Warning: You will not be allowed to enter the building until approximately five to ten minutes before your interview. Do not arrive too early.

  4. During the appointment, you will only be asked questions that attempt to determine if you need, or whether you already have an SSN. You do not need to prepare.

    Sample questions that may be asked:

    1. Why do you need an SSN? Filing taxes is an appropriate reason. State that you have on-campus employment and income.
    2. Have you ever visited the U.S. before? When, and why? What visa status did you have? Answer accordingly.
    3. Have you ever received any U.S. Government assistance (food stamps, Medicaid, etc.)? In most cases, the answer is no.
    4. Do you have a U.S. bank account? How did you open it? If you do, mention that you opened the account without a SSN, using your visa (and I-20, if applicable) as documentation.

    Warning: Do not lie. As long as the SSA can establish that you need a SSN, and that you do not already have one, you will be issued one. Lying will make your application process more difficult and is illegal.

    Note: The total interview time is approximately five minutes. You will be told to expect your SSN within two weeks. The actual timeline is approximately one month or longer.

  5. In approximately two to three weeks, you should receive an application receipt in a letter from the SSA. If you do not, contact the SSA as in previous sections and request an update on your application.

    Note: Check your mailbox periodically. You will not receive any notice for mail sent by the SSA. The letters, including the one containing your original Social Security Card, do not have tracking numbers, and the USPS/SSA cannot track them for you.

  6. In approximately two to three weeks weeks after you receive your application receipt, you should receive your Social Security Card in a letter from the SSA. If you do not, contact the SSA again as in previous sections and request to file a “non-receipt”.

    Warning: Do not wait. If you do not receive your Social Security Card within four weeks of your application receipt, and you do not file a non-receipt, you will have to repeat the entire application process.

  7. If you have received your Social Security Card, proceed to the next section. Otherwise, contact the SSA for additional information and further instructions.

After you get your Social Security Number

Congratulations on finishing the guide. Now that you have your Social Security Number, you are free to begin the application process for the services listed in the “Why should I get a Social Security Number” section, as well as other services that have this document as a requirement.

As a final note of warning, make sure that you keep your Social Security Number and Card private. It is not an identity document. Do not carry it with you. Keep it in a safe place at home. Do not share the number with others unless necessary. Only your HR office, government agencies, and accredited financial services should ask for this information.

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